Published On: September 14, 2023

6 thoughts on “Striped Sins – Comic #4 – Page 34

  1. Correct answer is yes

    Someone needs to be bonked. Who wants to do the honours?

  2. I’m betting this is a fantasy she’s cooked up since catching a peek at her brother’s joystick.

  3. Looks like a fake out fantasy.
    Bleh. I want Brother/Sister getting each other off on the couch in the living room

  4. I just checked. There are no cloudy “this is a dream” bars on the previous page.
    I’m starting to wonder IF brother just walked in on sister jilling off in the shower to thoughts of him.
    Is this HIS fantasy?

  5. Could it be the brother having the fantasy? Yea it could be.

    1. Por que no los dos?

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