Published On: June 2, 2023

9 thoughts on “Striped Sins – Comic #4 – Page 22

  1. Waste of good sushi but he deserved it.

  2. Ryder has terrible taste in men. LOL Methinks she needs to tweak her search terms.

    1. These probably were the best variants out there…

  3. Rainboom/Rain1234

    the first thing to do on a date is to ask what political party they voted for, duh! followed up by asking about moral values and hot topics. the spicier and controversial the topic, the better!
    trust me bro, it was revealed to me in a dream and it works!

  4. I usually listen to the lady, with her letting get to know her first. If there’s anything comes up in common then I provide my thoughts.., but keep it a little close to the vest.

    Second date: then i open up a little more. Political and religious views are not part of the conversation early on. Both can be usually figured out with time.

  5. If you’re actively listening, and truly think before opening your maw, you’ll know what response to give. Political stance and serious belief structures can be caught easily if you’re just listening to how her mind works. Showing respect is the biggest key.

    1. Rainboom/Rain1234

      your response rubs me wrong many times, especially at the “you’ll know what response to give” as if you change or lie about your beliefs to appease your date, so i’ll just agree to disagree

  6. Her reply in the last panel is priceless.

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