Published On: March 21, 2023

8 thoughts on “Striped Sins – Comic #4 – Page 12

  1. YES! THE BLOWJOB! lol. Oh the work thing. Yeah I guess I’ll have to

  2. anyone else notice how he stutters only after he sees her panties are out

    1. She does rock ’em nicely.

  3. I’m getting ready intrigued.., where oh where is this leading? 😏😏

  4. Will they finally find out they’re true love for each other in a non related way after this? Stay tuned next time on dragon ba-… err… striped sins!

  5. Is there a set schedule to posting ?

  6. I believe the artist works on this as he can, and posts when items are completed so strips can be rotated from the Patreon to the public. There doesn’t seem to be a set schedule, but it’s understandable as life happens.

    1. Indeed. I do try to post 4 pages per month. Sometimes that doesn’t mean 1 page per week ^^

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